Thursday, July 05, 2007


"I would prefer that Mr Howard stay out of our domestic politics and we will stay out of his domestic politics," Texas Republican senator John Cornyn said. [on Howard's criticism of Obama; read it here]


1. That statement's hypocritical. When has the United States learnt not to meddle in another country's "domestic politics"?

2. This so-called "domestic politics" also happens to effect now only the US, but a lot of other countries.

3. Whatever happened to freedom of speech/expression? Does it apply only to the people in the US? (funny I just said that... its hardly prevelant here)

4. This doesn't mean I support Howard, or even Obama for that matter.


Rishabh Kaul said...

Finally! You update!

Btw hope you've checked out the videos of Obama Girl on youtube, they're hilarious.

And yes, US has been interfering in the domestic issues of many nations.
I'm sure some of the guys at Pentagon have a map and play darts with it, thus picking their next victim!

alex said...

An emphatic bell rang when they were half-way down the stairs.. Oh! cried Miss Van Kamp, and Ralph Ellsworth flew to the rescue...